My Kitchen Adventures

I love to cook and bake; learned from watching my momma for so many years!! Although I can never seem to make it like she did, I still keep trying! I figured I'd share my adventures in cooking and baking and now cake decorating! So, enjoy, try, comment and keep coming back for more!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wilton Cake Decorating - Course 1, Class 2

So I recently started taking cake decorating classes!! My first attempt at making buttercream and frosting a level, two-tiered cake wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

The first class was just an introduction to making the Wilton Buttercream and learning the different tools and accessories that we will be using (investing in).
So after making my first batch of buttercream with my hand mixer (and giving the kitchen a light dusting of powdered next batch was definitely made in the stand mixer - MUCH BETTER!!

In class 2 we learned to use the star tip, writing, a simple zigsag border and the first part of the Wilton Rose - the "Hershey Kiss" as Mabel likes to call it. The last 30-45 minutes of class are spent using our new skills on our frosted cake!!
We had to bring in a 3" cookie cutter to decorate our cake with (hence the race car), so, since my dad's birthday was a few days after class 2, I figured I'd decorate my first one for him (happy birthday dad!).

I realize the punctuation is incorrect...but the words were lop-sided, so I went with an exclamation point without thinking it through! I also meant to write in cursive, but my hand wasn't listening! Ooops...maybe next time.

(a few quick notes - my dad didn't want a birthday cake (or presents!), so since he shares a birthday with George Washington, my mom thought it would be funny to make it "for" George. Dad wasn't fooled, AND he had to blow out candles!! he loved the Talladega tickets too!!)


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